Omnia 11 is available in FM + HD with separate processing paths for FM or HD / DRM and FM without HD / DRM. The FM only model can be upgraded to FM / HD at a later date.
Omnia 11 now ships with the G-Force Dynamics Engine standard. G-Force is also available as an optional add-on for Omnia11 units already in the field. Designed by Frank Foti and Cornelius Gould, it sounds even better than it sounds thanks to a dynamic processing framework that allows Omnia 11 to set the EQ for signature consistency, making it sound cleaner, clearer, louder, more consistent, more open and more pleasant. You listen to the music, you listen to the voice, you do not hear the processor. FM + HD and FM-only models can be upgraded with the optional Perfect Declipper plugin, a revolutionary new algorithm designed by audio processing legend Hans van Zutphen that restores clipped areas in audio recordings. This algorithm not only restores dynamics, but also eliminates distortion.
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