VS Series Replacement ExciterThe VS300 features an Input/Output interface compatible with virtually any tube or solid-state transmitter. With a 300+ watt output capability it can also replace IPA sections of many older transmitters for enhanced reliability and performance.

Breathe new life into your tube transmitter by adding the most advanced and reliable low power FM transmitter available as a replacement exciter and instantly gain the entire feature set of the VS series transmitters. New features, superior audio performance, improved reliability and a host of audio input and audio back-up sources make the upgrade to a VS replacement exciter one of the most cost effective, feature rich improvements you can make to your main or stand-by transmitter.

More and more customers are commenting on the Nautel sound or to be more specific, the lack of it. With VS Series transmitters it is simply audio in and RF out without audio coloration. To achieve this sonic clarity the VS Series incorporates one of the most advanced FM exciters available today. Direct to-channel digital modulation at more than 600 MSPS eliminates microphonics and spurious outputs and results in a composite signal-to-noise ratio of -90dB or better.

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