The HT-4002 is also characterised by its easy operation as the control of the audio levels and main functions are located on the front of the unit.
When a telephone call enters the HT-4002, it is signalled by flashing the AIR and CUE pushbutton (it can be internally selected by means of a jumper to flash only AIR or CUE indistinctly). When this command is pressed, the communication is connected to the console, and the call is ready to be broadcast on the air or to establish the previous CUE communication.
The vumeter indications will give us the return level (SND) and reception level (RCV) of the telephone call, allowing the adjustment with its corresponding potentiometers.
If the NULL needs to be reset, this can only be done in advance, placing the call in CUE and pressing the “AUTO” push-button of the line to be reset, located in the front compartment of this unit.
In the CUE position, the talk-back (TBK) allows us to dialogue with the interlocutor and make the level adjustments, or to keep the call on hold while the other line is on the air.
In AIR position the talk-back (TBK) is inhibited for its use, it can only be used while one of the lines is in CUE. This is to prevent unintentional operating errors from impairing the transmission of the signal on the air.
When two calls are simultaneously on the air, the conference call is automatically activated, enabling dialogue between all conference participants.
When a call is on the air on one of the HT-4002 lines, and a second call comes in, it is possible to prevent the second call from going on the air. The second communication can be set to CUE so that the interlocutor listens to the programme but blocks its broadcast.
The HT-4002 offers, among its various features:
Automatic adjustment of local rejection (NULL).
Continuous indication of incoming and outgoing audio.
Built-in microphone (Talk-Back).
Individual Talk-Back per line.
Balanced inputs and outputs.
Automatic multi-conferencing when taking two lines simultaneously.
Outputs available for connecting multiple units.
Send and Return level adjustments.
Works with both telephone and point-to-point lines.
Fully remotely controllable digital drives.
0.3 W amplified monitor output (eliminates the use of telephone sets for pre-air contact).
Strong rejection of sound feedback
High immunity to radio frequency and RF interference
Most common applications:
Radio and TV talk shows.
On-air telephone interviews.
Telephone interviews for recordings.
Telephone interface for public events (auditoriums, churches, live shows).
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