SMS Sentinel is a tiny GSM device which plugs directly into many of our transmitter models, to provide instant SMS text alerts for transmitter alarm conditions. Engineers or station managers can then log-on remotely to the tranmsitter’s web page to view more information and decide if it’s necessary to visit the transmitter’s location to remedy the cause. This tiny compact device is low cost and eaily configured with up to three cell phone contact numbers. Installation is simple, too; it simply plugs into the tranmsitter’s rear panel 9-way ‘D’-sub connector. (Pay-as-you-Go card required).
Sentinel will then continuously monitor the status of the transmitter and send a text message when it detects problems with transmitted power, reflected power, temperature or audio silence.
The technician can then access the transmitter’s web interface for more detailed information and decide whether or not a visit to the transmitter location is required to troubleshoot the problem.
With quad-band support, this easy-to-use device can be deployed simply and quickly, and contact numbers can be updated via USB at any time.
It can also be customised to s other alarm sources (please consult us).
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