The ARC-10 general-purpose mixer is packed with features to handle most radio studio and on-air radio production applications. Channels one and two are high-performance microphone channels for guest broadcasters. Channel ten is an advanced telephone interface for an external hybrid for live calls or an off-line contest call. Seven stereo line-in channels easily handle other audio sources, such as CD players, found in most studios. Channel nine features a Windows PC USB interface for use with production, automation and live streaming software. Most Windows-compatible audio software can play through the console’s channel nine and record from the console’s Audition bus. It also features long-life faders, electronic switching of all audio signal paths and an attractive, rugged design.
The ARC-10U is compatible with studios where CD players and other sources are typical unbalanced sources. It features RCA phono connectors so your sources simply connect to the console with standard cables. Arrakis also has an ARC-10 model with balanced inputs or a budget model with unbalanced inputs and no Windows USB interface.
Main features:
– Two stereo programme output mixes (with mono mixes).
– Ten input source channels
– Two high-performance balanced microphone channels
– Seven unbalanced stereo line channels
– Channel 9 is a computer soundcard channel for playback and recording
– One telephone input channel for fast live and off-line telephone interfacing (hybrid required)
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